Data-driven modeling, optimization, and control in CFD

Andre Weiner, Chair of Fluid Mechanics

01 machine learning tasks regression, classification, clustering, ...
02 optimizing GAMG settings with Bayesian optimization
03 modeling a turbulent flow with dynamic mode decomposition
04 closed-loop flow control with model-based deep reinforcement learning

machine learning tasks

regression, classification, clustering, ...

Think in terms of machine learning tasks (regression, classification, ...) rather than specific algorithms (neural networks, Gaussian processes, ...).

regression: matching inputs and continuous outputs

classification: matching inputs and discrete outputs

dim. reduction: finding low-dim. representations

clustering: grouping similar data points

reinforcement learning: sequential decision making (control) under uncertainty

optimizing GAMG settings

with Bayesian optimization (BayesOpt)

joint work with:

  • Janis Geise (TU Dresden)
  • Tomislav Marić (TU Darmstadt)
  • M. Elwardi Fadeli (TU Darmstadt)
  • Alessandro Rigazzi (HPE)
  • Andrew Shao (HPE)


GAMG - generalized geometric algebraic multigrid

full GAMG entry in fvSolution

	solver                    GAMG;
	smoother                  DICGaussSeidel;
	tolerance                 1e-06;
	relTol                    0.01;
	cacheAgglomeration        yes;
	nCellsInCoarsestLevel     10;
	processorAgglomerator     none;
	nPreSweeps                0;
	preSweepsLevelMultiplier  1;
	maxPreSweeps              10;
	nPostSweeps               2;
	postSweepsLevelMultiplier 1;
	maxPostSweeps             10;
	nFinestSweeps             2;
	interpolateCorrection     no;
	scaleCorrection           yes;
	directSolveCoarsest       no;
		solver          PCG;
		preconditioner  DIC;
		tolerance       1e-06;
		relTol          0.01;

optimal settings depend on

  • coefficient matrix
    • flow physics
    • discretization
  • parallelization
  • hardware
  • ...

$\rightarrow$ high-dim. search space with uncertainty

Bayesian optimization
optimization of black-box objective function guided by probabilistic surrogate model (Gaussian process)

use BayesOpt to find optimal GAMG settings
for class of simulations

elapsed time for 50 steps; 2D cylinder flow

implementation outline

  • Ax for BayesOpt
  • SmartSim for orchestration
  • ~100 lines Python script

search space definition in config.yaml

	name: "smoother"
	type: "choice"
	value_type: "str"
	is_ordered: False
	sort_values: False
	values: ["FDIC", "DIC", "DICGaussSeidel", "symGaussSeidel", "nonBlockingGaussSeidel", "GaussSeidel"]
	name: "nFinestSweeps"
	type: "range"
	value_type: "int"
	bounds: [1, 10]

~15% runtime reduction

modeling a turbulent flow

with dynamic mode decomposition (DMD)

joint work with:

  • Janis Geise (TU Dresden)
  • Richard Semaan (f. TU Braunschweig)


DMD = dimensionality reduction + (linear) regression


  • efficient
  • interpretable
  • predictive (ROM)
  • many extensions


  • sensitivity
    • white noise
    • nonlinearity
  • poor predictions

some notation

nr. state variables $M$
state vector $\mathbf{x}_n \in \mathbb{R}^M$
nr. snapshots $N$
data matrix $\mathbf{M} = \left[\mathbf{x}_1, \ldots, \mathbf{x}_N \right]^T$

dimensionality reduction via SVD

$$\mathbf{M} \approx \mathbf{U}_r\mathbf{\Sigma}_r\mathbf{V}_r^T$$

reduced data matrix

$$\tilde{\mathbf{M}} = \mathbf{U}_r^T\mathbf{M} = \mathbf{\Sigma}_r\mathbf{V}_r^T,\quad \tilde{\mathbf{M}} \in \mathbb{R}^{r\times N}$$

$$N \ll M,\quad r\ll N$$

classical DMD

$$\tilde{\mathbf{x}}_{n+1} = \tilde{\mathbf{A}} \tilde{\mathbf{x}}_{n}$$

$$\underset{\tilde{\mathbf{A}}}{\mathrm{argmin}}\left|\left| \tilde{\mathbf{Y}}-\tilde{\mathbf{A}}\tilde{\mathbf{X}} \right|\right|_2 =\tilde{\mathbf{Y}}\tilde{\mathbf{X}}^\dagger$$

$$\tilde{\mathbf{X}} = \left[\mathbf{x}_1, \ldots, \mathbf{x}_{N-1} \right]^T,\quad \tilde{\mathbf{Y}} = \left[\mathbf{x}_2, \ldots, \mathbf{x}_{N} \right]^T$$

noise-corrupted reduced state vector

noise leads to decaying dynamics

forward-backward-consistent DMD

if $\ \tilde{\mathbf{x}}_{n+1} = \tilde{\mathbf{A}} \tilde{\mathbf{x}}_{n}\ $ then $\ \tilde{\mathbf{A}}^{-1}\tilde{\mathbf{x}}_{n+1} = \tilde{\mathbf{x}}_{n}$

$$\underset{\tilde{\mathbf{A}}}{\mathrm{argmin}}\left|\left| \tilde{\mathbf{Y}}-\tilde{\mathbf{A}}\tilde{\mathbf{X}} \right|\right|_F + \left|\left| \tilde{\mathbf{X}}-\tilde{\mathbf{A}}^{-1}\tilde{\mathbf{Y}} \right|\right|_F$$

reference: O. Azencot et al. (2019)

improved robustness, small frequency error

error propagation - "optimized" DMD

$\tilde{\mathbf{x}}_n \approx \tilde{\mathbf{\Phi}}\tilde{\mathbf{\Lambda}}^{n-1}\tilde{\mathbf{b}}$, $\ \tilde{\mathbf{A}}=\tilde{\mathbf{\Phi}}\tilde{\mathbf{\Lambda}}\tilde{\mathbf{\Phi}}^{-1}$, $\ \tilde{\mathbf{b}} = \tilde{\mathbf{\Phi}}^{-1}\tilde{\mathbf{x}}_1$

$$\underset{\tilde{\mathbf{\lambda}},\tilde{\mathbf{\Phi}}_\mathbf{b}}{\mathrm{argmin}}\left|\left| \tilde{\mathbf{M}}-\tilde{\mathbf{\Phi}}_\mathbf{b}\tilde{\mathbf{V}}_{\mathbf{\lambda}} \right|\right|_F$$

reference: T. Askham, J. N. Kutz (2018)

improved robustness, optimization challenging

multiple constraints and noise identification

$ \tilde{\mathbf{x}}_n = \hat{\mathbf{x}}_n + \tilde{\mathbf{n}}_n $

$\hat{\bar{\mathbf{x}}}_{n+h} = \tilde{\mathbf{\Phi}}\tilde{\mathbf{\Lambda}}^{n+h-1}\tilde{\mathbf{\Phi}}^{-1} \hat{\mathbf{x}}_n$

$L_f = \sum\limits_{n=1}^{N-H}\sum\limits_{h=1}^{H} \left|\tilde{\mathbf{x}}_{n+h} - \hat{\bar{\mathbf{x}}}_{n+h}\right|$

$L_b = \sum\limits_{n=H+1}^{N}\sum\limits_{h=1}^{H} \left|\tilde{\mathbf{x}}_{n-h} - \hat{\bar{\mathbf{x}}}_{n-h}\right|$

final optimization problem

$\underset{\tilde{\mathbf{\lambda}},\tilde{\mathbf{\Phi}}, \tilde{\mathbf{N}}}{\mathrm{argmin}} \left(L_f + L_b\right)$

optimization via
automatic differentiation + gradient descent

early stopping prevents overadjustment to data

prediction error for increasing noise level

$|\mathbf{u}^\prime|$ at $Re=dU_\mathrm{in}/\nu=3700$; DNS setup based on
O. Lehmkuhl et al. (2013)

PSD of force coefficients (p-Welch, 4 segments)
$St=fT_\mathrm{conv}$ and $T_\mathrm{conv}=d/U_\mathrm{in}$

relative and cumulative explained variance

SVD reconstruction with $r=10$

SVD reconstruction with $r=30$

SVD reconstruction with $r=100$

SVD reconstruction with $r=1000$

$|\mathbf{u}^\prime|$ prediction; $r=10$, $H=5f_\mathrm{vs}$

$|\mathbf{u}^\prime|$ vortex shedding mode

closed-loop flow control

with model-based deep reinforcement learning

joint work with Janis Geise (TU Dresden)


closed-loop control benchmark, $Re=100$

evaluation of optimal policy (control law)

separation control, B. Font et al. (2025)

  • LES, higher-order spectral elements
  • 8 simulations in parallel
  • 96 episodes (iterations)
  • 6 days turnaround time
  • 1152 GPUh (A100)
  • $4$ EUR/GPUh $\rightarrow 5$ kEUR

Training cost DrivAer model

  • $5$ hours/simulation (1000 MPI ranks)
  • $10$ parallel simulations
  • $100$ iterations $\rightarrow 20$ days turnaround time
  • $20\times 24\times 10\times 1000 \approx 5\times 10^6 $ CPUh
  • $0.01-0.05$ EUR/CPUh $\rightarrow 0.5-2$ mEUR

CFD simulations are expensive!

Idea: replace CFD with model(s) in some episodes

Challenge: dealing with surrogate model errors

for e in episodes:
	if not models_reliable():

Based on Model Ensemble TRPO.

auto-regressive surrogate models with weights $\theta_m$

$$ m_{\theta_m} : (\underbrace{S_{n-d}, \ldots, S_{n-1}, S_n}_{\hat{S}_n}, A_n) \rightarrow (S_{n+1}, R_{n+1}) $$

$\mathbf{x}_n = [\hat{S}_n, A_n]$ and $\mathbf{y}_n = [S_{n+1}, R_{n+1}]$

$$ L_m = \frac{1}{|D|}\sum\limits_{i}^{|D|} (\mathbf{y}_i - m_{\theta_m}(\mathbf{x}_i))^2 $$

When are the models reliable?

  1. evaluate policy for every model
  2. compare to previous policy loss
  3. switch if loss did not decrease for
    at least $N_\mathrm{thr}$ of the models

normalized training time for MEPPO variants

final remarks

data-driven methods in CFD can

  • reduce development cost
  • improve application design


Thank you for you attention!